The past few weeks have been a rough go for our family. First, my uncle passed away suddenly at the age of 59. We gathered for his funeral to celebrate the life of a man who loved people and music, and tearfully said our goodbyes.  Only a few days later, my cousin had an unexpected medical emergency that eventually required a liver transplant.

And, just this past Saturday, our own little {L} was in a freak accident that slashed one of his tendons and broke his pinky finger. After an ER visit and a night in the hospital, he is now the proud owner of a purple cast and is expected to make a full recovery.

Scary stuff – Life changing events


I display many ‘type -A’ personality characteristics. I’m a perfectionist who likes to accomplish tasks and keep busy, a hard worker who sees things through. I’ll be the first to admit, though, that I am not good about taking time to rest.

I will make to-do lists and check the items off as I go. Subconsciously, I think to myself ‘once the to-do list is finished, I will rest.’

But then another item comes up that needs to be added, and then another. The list is seemingly unending, and, while I am generally good at multi-tasking, there inevitably comes a point when it all builds up and becomes too much. I call those moments ‘spinning’ – when there is so much to be done and coordinated, that I bounce from one task to the next, without making any real progress on anything. My brain simply can’t catch up.

If a thought bubble was visible above my head during a ‘spinning’ moment, you would probably see a throbber.


Just like a computer, my ‘spinning’ is an indication that I need a good re-start or refresh. The events of these past weeks have made this go-getter realize something very important.


Rest is needed, even when you’re not overwhelmed


Life is precious, and finite. It can change course in a matter of seconds. It shouldn’t take an overload to make a person slow down and reset. We tend to find time for all sorts of things: work, exercise, eating, even social media – yet forget to rest. In reality, rest is something that should be worked into the everyday, so that life can be enjoyed, not endured.


Sure, with five young kids it isn’t like I can trade in all of my responsibilities for relaxation, but I can make an effort to truly rest a bit each day. To take a step back and smell the crisp Fall air, read a good book, or snuggle with my kids and my husband.

If you’re like me and need to make a conscious effort to rest, I encourage you to take on this daily approach with me. I’m convinced that only good can come of it.


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