I just have to say that this past week I have been so proud of our boys and how they protect and encourage their little sisters. Most days we spend time at the parks and playgrounds, and because it is summer and our town sees a lot of tourists during this season, the playgrounds are typically filled to the brim with kids.

I have heard our boys proudly declaring that {M} and {K} are their sisters.  I have seen them lend a helping hand if one of them is struggling with a piece of equipment.  They have been thrown the curious questions from other kids – tough things like ‘What is wrong with her legs?’ and ‘They don’t look like you… how are they your sisters?’ ‘Can you even understand them?’ – and answered them with dignity and grace.  They jump to action if they see someone picking on or making fun of one of their sisters and are always including the girls in their conversations and games.

They are their sisters biggest fans, allies and protectors.  They are wonderful big brothers and we are so proud of the young men they are becoming!

Here is a glimpse into our past week.  It was a simple one spent at home.


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  • MomS

    Sweet about the boys being protectors:) children live by example and you & Craig have been positive examples of living Gods waY😘 The boys aRe folloWinG .ReplyCancel

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