This week I spent some time doing a jewelry declutter. I thought that it would be a quick process, and in a lot of ways it was. But, it also got me thinking – even the small things can make a big impact when it comes to decluttering and organizing.

jewelry declutter ideas

I’ve never been much of a jewelry wearer. Though I like the idea of wearing jewelry, and I think that it looks nice on other people, wearing it myself is uncomfortable. It might be because I have sensitive skin and the metals make me itch. Or it might have more to do with the fact that for many years any necklaces or earrings I wore ended up being tugged on by my kids. These days, I tend to only wear my wedding ring on a regular basis.

While going through all of our belongings in an effort to only bring our favorites to Arrow Hill Cottage, I knew I wanted to leave no stone un-turned. And that meant I would need to take a close look at everything we owned. Even the smallest of items that seemingly take up little space.



And so, I opened up my little cabinet and started my jewelry declutter. Funny story about this little jewelry cabinet. It was one of the first gifts my husband gave me when we were married nearly seventeen years ago. I’ll admit that I was less than thrilled when I opened it. Why? Well, because what I had suggested to him as a ‘gift hint’ when he asked was a stand up furniture piece jewelry cabinet, not some small little table top storage piece.

How to declutter your jewelry collection

I remember thinking that there was no way all of my jewelry would fit inside it. I wanted bigger, I wanted better. But was it necessary? Not even close. Looking back, I think my husband knew me better than I knew myself. He had seen that I didn’t wear jewelry often. He had noticed that when I did wear something, I always grabbed for the same one or two items.

This cabinet has moved with us into each home we have shared together. And, if I’m being completely honest, I don’t think I have opened it once since we moved into our current rental farmhouse four years ago. Are the items it contains precious and useful to me? I think we all know the answer to that question.



Opening up the cabinet and laying every piece of jewelry out on the table was like a blast from the past. Necklaces from junior high. Sparkly hair combs from high school prom.

How small items can make a major impact when it comes to decluttering

A handful of keys that unlock… who knows what!


There were also a few sweet surprises. My wedding jewelry that, although I don’t intend to wear ever again, I could never part with. And, my husband’s high school class ring, which I distinctly remember him wearing the first time we met. When we started dating he put it on a chain and I wore it around my neck.







As I was sorting through everything, I realized that, on a very small scale, jewelry can serve as a metaphor for all types of clutter.

Stop and think about it. A bracelet is a small item. So small, in fact, that we find no harm in holding onto it, even if it isn’t something we use or really love. Add to it a few more bracelets, a necklace or two, and a pack of earrings. Suddenly we are finding ourselves needing a place to store these items. It’s like a snowball that keeps getting bigger.

Compare jewelry to other item types in your home. Those dresses you are holding onto, hoping that the next time you slip them on they will fit perfectly. The camping gear your family used once, then stored away. The space that these unused items are taking up is more valuable than you may currently realize. And the more items that are accumulated, the more space that is needed to store them.

This is why it is important to be honest with yourself regarding each and every item in your home. There is no reason to keep anything that is not special or useful.



After my jewelry declutter, I was left with a handful of special items. Will they go back into my jewelry box? In a word, no. Just as you a person doesn’t need an entire walk in closet for a few pairs of jeans, I do not need a storage box for my favorite jewelry.

Instead, I will be storing my special items in a set of silk and velvet bags. These small bags have special meaning to me. They were given to me when I purchased a set of pearls during our adoption trips to China.  Twice we watched skilled women string the pearls of my choosing, add the clasp, and delicately place them into a bag. Two adoptions, two bags.

The bags will be placed in my sock drawer, where they will be kept safe and easily accessible. And you can bet that every time I look at them I will have a smile on my face.

jewelry storage idea

I also will be keeping a small, velvet lined, silver jewelry box that was my grandma’s. It will surely find a place of importance in the new house decor.

small antique jewelry box storage


Don’t worry though. My husband has given me his full blessing to donate or sell the jewelry box he gifted me all those years ago. I hope it falls into the hands of someone who will cherish it.



I’m extremely happy to admit, once and for all, that I’m not a jewelry wearer. And that is okay! The pieces I have kept reflect my personality and style, and have strong memories attached to them. That is what is more important to me. If you are considering a jewelry declutter, I definitely recommend it! Don’t let the little things get in the way of the big picture you envision for your life!



jewelry declutter | how small items can make a big impact

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  • Great post! I went through my jewelry back in the fall and I got rid of all those I matching earrings, and cheapo bracelets I had been holding onto for years! It felt so good to get it all cleaned up! ReplyCancel

    • awesome! yes… pretty sure I don’t need multi-packs of earrings that I haven’t worn since high school! ha ha! WHY in the world do we hold onto these things?ReplyCancel

  • Good for you!  If it doesn’t spark joy, let it go!ReplyCancel

  • Great post! I’m currently needing to go through my jewelry again. I love wearing all sorts of jewelry so I’ll need to find a different system for organization, but keeping only the things I love and wear will be a great first step in organization and making space!ReplyCancel

  • You encouraged me to jump on cleaning out my jewelry! A friend at my church takes donations and ladies repurpose item an sell for a battered women shelter!  I need to get on this and find out what ”sparks joy ”.  LOLReplyCancel

  • How sweet!  Great ideas. I never wear jewelry but also have a lot of it, so I need to do this!ReplyCancel

    • Do it! Even this tiny bit of excess removed from my house is freeing!ReplyCancel

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