Around here we have been…

SPENDING a lot of time indoors. The weather this month was not favorable at all. If it wasn’t snowing, the temps were well below zero. There were quite a few school days that were either late or cancelled completely.

We found things to do inside – playing with kinetic sand, reading, watching movies and making homemade pizzas. It has been fun, but I’ll admit that we are more than ready for Spring to make it’s appearance!



CELEBRATING Valentine’s Day. We had a good time making up little Valentine’s boxes for the kid’s class parties. At home, we relaxed as a family, reading books and eating heart shaped food. It was a simple and intentional Valentine’s Day, that was really very refreshing.


We also celebrated {I}’s tenth birthday at home. It is hard to believe that he is already in double digits! This boy is one of the sweetest, kindest and well mannered kids you will ever meet. We love him so much!


FINISHING up basketball season. The last games are just a few days away. Both boys have been able to grow their skills quite a bit this year, and are grateful for their teammates and coach for a wonderful season.

When the weather did cooperate for a few days this month, the boys took their practice outdoors with Craig.


WELCOMING the year of the pig! Happy Chinese New Year from our two Asian sweeties! We went to their favorite Chinese restaurant in celebration, and of course they wanted to dress up in their ‘silks’. We are blessed by them, and are happy that we get to share in their cultural holidays!


This is just a glimpse at what our family has been up to. If you’d like a closer look, be sure to check out our weekly ‘mini vlogs’ on our YouTube channel ARROW HILL FAMILY. Be well everyone!

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  • Val

    Wonderful activities & memories made .  Years later you will be even more pleased that you have this documentation.ReplyCancel

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